Monday, July 28, 2008

more things about me

I doubt that anyone reads this but that's alright. Just a place for me to write so that I'm not so much in my own head.

I've made posts in the past- random information type posts, so here's another one AND WHY THE HELL ARE KIDS ALWAYS SO LOUD AND THEY ALWAYS RUNNNNNN :(

I'm going to Europe in less than two years. It's going to take a lot of money (lots of saving up, and no Manolos next year) but I'm okay with that. Travel is one of the things I love doing most and is one of the things I do the least. Now that I'm living at home again and not off with roommates in a strange city where it snows 5 months of the year, it's given me a lot of perspective on what I want in life and how much my friends and family mean. It's also given me a lot of perspective on myself and how I operate from day to day, both in my actions and in my thought process. Introspective, I guess.

I realize that I'm very competitive, and that won't be changing anytime soon. I'm also non-confrontational. I hate argueing, but I will get my point across. I can't stand being wrong and I will fight about it.

I have an extremely inappropriate sense of humor. Extremely.

I don't like showing affection in public or otherwise whether it's for family, friends, or something else. I will however, punch you in the arm, smack you upside the head or run into you and make you lose balance. Kind of like the cat that stands near your feet and weaves his way in between your feet as you walk and try not to stumble and trip on him. lol.

Pillowfights are really really fun. I fight to win. Or at least fall down in a giggle fit and not move for several minutes.

I'm slightly ocd, I wash my hands all the time because bacteria/germs and the like really disturb me.

I like having a clean room but I'm usually too lazy to clean it.

I like sleeping. I hate lazy people. I hate when I feel lazy.


Sunday, July 27, 2008

europe 2010!!!


going to europe in two years. OMG. yay.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

what about freud?

so my french teacher wins. he's this little old dude who likes to embarrass everyone. all the time.

in french, 'visiter' doesn't mean 'to visit' unless it's a place. if you say 'je visite ma mere' it means you are frisking your mother for hidden drugs or firearms. not cool. lol. unless you say 'rend visiter' in which case, you are paying someone a visit. i think that's how it goes. ANYWAY.

so 'cold' en francais is 'froid'. it's pronounced 'fhwah'. kind of. so someone said "il fait froid" but they pronounced it funny and my teacher was like, "what about Freud?" for the win!

also, when negating a sentence, you generally have to add the article 'de'. for example:
Y a t-il un crocodile dans le toilette? (is there a crocodile in the bathroom?)

at first the general answer given in my class was "no il n'y a pas un crocodile dans le toilette".

m. martin: tres bizarre! then how many crocodiles are there?

that means "no there isn't ONE crocodile in the bathroom".

correct answer being:
Il n'y a pas de crocodile dans le toilette.

french class is hard but fun.


i still have no voice. :(

Friday, July 18, 2008


me: i have no voice!
steph: where did it go?
me: i think it's hiding..... from gerard way!
steph: oh noes!


yes, i have laryngitis. FUCK this. not fair. soooo not fair.


Saturday, July 12, 2008

en français, tout le monde!!

french class 5 days a week. work at 4:30 in the morning 4-5 days a week. go to the gym 6 days a week for 1-2 hours.


today was busy.

went to the gym (as usual)... got jamba juice... did errands... lunch at cheesecake factory w/ mom... went to a birthday party for a one-year old and discussed the problems of the world and e.coli with julia, natalie & carley... went to blockbuster to find that they did not have nip tuck season 3 disc 6 >:( ..... came home and found that my dad's uncle (who is only 8 years his senior) and uncle's wife were here visiting from Georgia aka the land down under. Diner avec la famille = très amusant. My mom bought me shoes at Steve Madden in old town weeeeee... and of course freaking red velvet cake = the best thing ever.

going to visit la famille dans l'etat de Georgie (Georgia for all you retards out there) en decembre. Je vais visiter ma soeur et sa famille, mon oncle (the one who visited us today) et sa femme.... et leur BMW 650i. >_>

OH. J'ai conduit leur BMW rental voiture. Elle est très belle! J'aime la voiture. (350i) Quand je vais visiter mon oncle en decembre, il a dit je peux conduire la 650i. Je suis très heureux de le conduire.

Bon nuit!
