Saturday, July 12, 2008

en français, tout le monde!!

french class 5 days a week. work at 4:30 in the morning 4-5 days a week. go to the gym 6 days a week for 1-2 hours.


today was busy.

went to the gym (as usual)... got jamba juice... did errands... lunch at cheesecake factory w/ mom... went to a birthday party for a one-year old and discussed the problems of the world and e.coli with julia, natalie & carley... went to blockbuster to find that they did not have nip tuck season 3 disc 6 >:( ..... came home and found that my dad's uncle (who is only 8 years his senior) and uncle's wife were here visiting from Georgia aka the land down under. Diner avec la famille = très amusant. My mom bought me shoes at Steve Madden in old town weeeeee... and of course freaking red velvet cake = the best thing ever.

going to visit la famille dans l'etat de Georgie (Georgia for all you retards out there) en decembre. Je vais visiter ma soeur et sa famille, mon oncle (the one who visited us today) et sa femme.... et leur BMW 650i. >_>

OH. J'ai conduit leur BMW rental voiture. Elle est très belle! J'aime la voiture. (350i) Quand je vais visiter mon oncle en decembre, il a dit je peux conduire la 650i. Je suis très heureux de le conduire.

Bon nuit!


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