Sunday, March 7, 2010

adopt adopt adopt!

Its been around a month since I've posted. It's been a busy month! School started up again and I've got class 5 days a week, I've got my weird office job, and I've started a volunteer position at my local animal shelter. So far for the volunteer work, I've had seven or so hours of meetings and training to work at the facility. I'm pretty excited to actually start working with some of the animals there! I have four hours more of training next sunday, and no more for another 6 months.

So to anyone who is thinking about getting a furry little companion, adopt! Go to your local shelter and adopt a companion. Don't buy from a pet shop unless you absolutely KNOW that they are not supplying their animals from puppy & kitty mills. But you should adopt, and you should adopt an older animal because they don't get adopted as quickly as the younger ones. Younger ones are nuts anyway and attack everything all the time.


I've got my hair in a towel and my head is starting to get cold so I think I'm gonna go...


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