Monday, August 11, 2008

you make me sick.

Here's something to chew on..

Why in the hell do athletes, CEOs of big companies, or actors/actresses get paid REDICULOUS sums of money?

You throw a little white ball around so therefore you are somehow entitled to be making $30 million dollars a year...??? Someone please explain that to me. Seriously.

ER doctors, nurses, elementary-high school teachers, construction workers.... THEY deserve to be paid more than Tom Cruise. I'm sorry but it's fucking stupid. People saying they won't sign a contract with a team because they're ONLY making $125 million dollars over 4 years.... plus endorsement deals. That makes no sense to me. Or actors. You get paid more money than a guy bent over pulling cabbages out of the ground 8+ hours a day 6-7 days a week in the burning sun... for what reason?

Your local farmers market deserves your business more than seeing every fucking stupid action movie does. I hate all of it.

And those CEOs of oil companies/Halliburton/Warner Bros....... FUCK YOU. You should all just be ashamed of yourselves. Complaining-- WHINING and bitching and moaning because you only make $5million a year. Oh poor sad you. I feel so bad for you. Please, give me a break. There are 12 year old children who work in inhumane conditions for less than a dollar a day for more hours a week than a goddamn surgeon intern at a hospital. And YOU'RE complaining about your $5 million a year salary.

Nobody of importance will read this, but just saying it makes me feel better.

i'm excited about having to save up a buttload of money to go to Europe in two years. I doubt that anyone who got a Porsche on their 18th birthday can ever understand delayed gratification.


aren't i a ball of sunshine?

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