Wednesday, March 25, 2009

i'm compulsive

things i really like:

-hand sanitizer
-harry potter
-moleskin sketchbooks
-lavender flowers + lavender lotion
-my ten dollar manwallet from target
-not using my expensive ikea Poang chair
-being ghetto and using random cubbies for my wine (i.e. my dresser, and some storage in my closet)
-lord of the mother effing rings
-flat screen tvs
-waterbottles that make noise
-35mm black and white film

things i really want
-k2 meter (hahaha)
-digital voice recorder
-a light dimmer
-walkin closet
- closet with far too many pairs of designer shoes
-a proper wine rack (or a place to actually put one)
-special extended edition LOTR dvds
-christian bale
-more oddly shaped pillows
-custom made/sized maple boards (for painting)
-north face pullover
-a proper rain coat (i have a snow jacket but it gets rather warm)

things that tick me off
-my psychology textbook
-my cat laying on my pillow
-crazy drivers at costco/pcc
-billy fucking mays (the oxy clean guy who yells)
-our former president and his entire family
-bill clinton
-people who like star wars

cherio. or cheerios. either way.


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