Sunday, March 8, 2009

can't think of a title

Daylight savings can suck it. >_<

Don't get me wrong, I like there being more light, but I have an Eastern exposure in my bedroom window and sun at wee hours of the morning just really isn't fun for someone who takes sleeping pills and is a light sleeper.

I still really like 'Definitely, Maybe' if only for the fact that it has good people. It is a chick flick verging on family storytime but it has Isla Fisher and Kevin Kline so therefore it can't suck.

I got new shoes!!!!! Yay new running shoes!! Not that I'm running in them yet because my knee is all retarded and I don't think my physical therapist would advise any running at the moment. But I can't WAIT to go running again now that I've got new shoes. Not being able to run these past few months has been horribly difficult to deal with. I know I really only started running last July/August on a regular basis but it became a huge part of my life once I started. Once I had to stop because of my own negligence/ego/??.... we won't go there because it's negative.

I miss my kitty again a lot lately on and off. It's been over four years since he died but sometimes it feels like just yesterday. I love my other cat who is still alive but I never had the bond with him that I had with my other cat. Spooky was my pet, he was my birthday present from my parents when I was 10 years old. We bonded even he though he was out of his mind sometimes. He got calmer as he got older and that made it easier, but I always felt like he actually understood more than most cats seem to. It doesn't make much sense unless you knew him... he was more human in his later years than some humans seem to be. Anyway, I miss the little bastard and I wish he were curled up on the bed with me right now.


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