Tuesday, May 5, 2009


eating yogurt covered raisins, feeling bloated and being ECSTATIC THAT THE EU BAN ON SEAL PRODUCTS PASSED!! YAY! take THAT you bastard seal-killing Canadians!!! I don't hate Canada, I hate people who kill seals who happen to be Canadian. Same thing goes with factory farming, American, Canadian, I don't care. If I met them walking down the street and knew who they were, it would be really hard to repress my violent urges to spit in their faces and throw rotten food at them or something. YAYYYYYYYY.

mm. yogurt covered raisins = all kinds of tastiness.

am FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY starting to lose the buddha belly!! thanks to the 5-6 days a week doing the ab machine at the gym for 10 minutes per time. woo. will finally fit into a size four!

ew, construction going on next door with SUPER ANNOYING vacuuming/squeaky noises...

also, um, i really am annoyed by the parrots that have migrated back after a few years away, because they are REALLY goddamn loud at 6 in the morning outside my window. stupid parrots.

and i think it's LUNCHTIME. time to watch the dog whisperer....

<3 kate

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