Monday, June 22, 2009

it's officially summer, huzzah!

So there's a Mercedes-Benz that is bullet proof, gas proof and explosives proof. Holy cow. In the commercial they seem to attach a bunch of c4 or something to the bottom of the car and there's giant explosions around it and the car is TOTALLY fine. wow. It's around $500,000... Then again, for half a million dollars it should do that, shine my shoes and bake pizzas too. Easy bake ovens!!

That car might come in handy in say, South Africa, where they have the highest rate of stolen cars in the world (i think). Very scary.

So along with your Mercedes S600 Guard, you could purchase that house I found on the Coldwell Banker website-- it's in Beverly Hills, is sixty MILLION DOLLARS, has seventeen bedrooms, and THIRTY BATHROOMS. THIRTY. hahahahahahahaaaa. When I found that house last month I almost fell off the chair laughing at the amount of bathrooms. It's insane, nobody in their right mind (being the key words) needs thirty freaking bathrooms! That's not a house, it's a boutique hotel.

Good stuff.

I know that jobs now look at peoples' myspaces/facebooks/blogs when they are interviewing perspective employees.... so I looked around the various social networks that I've ever used and couldn't find anything incriminating. THe stuff I talk about is just weird crap I see on TV or stories of the mexican/spanish/latino/hispanic/south american/ whatever is politically correct these days workers that work around near my house and creep me out because they look at me like a piece of meat. It's just disgusting. It's like when I was in high school and the gardeners would honk and whistle at me while I was walking home. What is that about? I was sweaty and probably smelled absolutely foul from power walking my butt all the way across town in like 25 minutes, fifty pound backpack on my back... It's not like I dress provocatively. I wear jeans and tshirts.

Anyway, signing off. Cheers and happy summer!


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