Tuesday, July 21, 2009

middle of summer

My cat is grooming himself into oblivion right now, as he always seems to be, propped up on my yoga mat & gym bag.

Reading a book called The Brothers K by David James Duncan (author of The River Why, also known as my favorite book). For some reason I like reading this authors' books while listening to Paul Simon. Who knows.

Pilates!!!!! I'm going to have abs of steel from these frigging pilates classes I'm going to.

Anyone have a 4x5 camera they just don't want? And film to go with it? And a darkroom?

Movies: last Sunday I watched the sixth installment of the book-adapted Harry Potter films, which was interesting. Not too keen on the ending (Terra was correctomundo on that) but as always, Rupert Grint and Alan Rickman were beyond fantastic.
Saturday afternoon I saw Unmistaken Child at the Laemmle. Amaaaazing amazing documentary about a Buddhist monk in search for his masters' reincarnation. Seeing the film really made me more convinced about my positive thoughts on Buddhism and the possibility that I may someday convert to being a Buddhist.

It's too hot. Ew.


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