Tuesday, March 25, 2008

on the phone with my mother

currently listening to: Incubus 'Light Grenades' album b/c brandon boyd wins. srsly.

Back in Boston again. I should have been listening to that Elton John song "Holiday Inn" when I landed at the airport on sunday. Why? Because the lyrics as follows: 'Boston at last and the plane's touchin downnn'. Yeah. So Boston at last and the plane touched down and now I've been back for two days and I'm back to my routine of sitting alone in my room at my computer watching some dvd and updating this silly blog. :)

I had originally thought - because I ride the short bus apparently and didn't pay any gdamned attention to when review boards actually were - that i would be home 6 weeks from now or so. However, if all goes as planned (since boards officially run from april 21-may 9) i will be home by the 24! 8D april 24 is less than a month away. How freakin exciting is that?

Also, please note that I will be GLUED to the tv april 24 at night because it's the return of Grey's Anatomy!!! McDreamy for the freakin win!

Soooo I got a few coolio things over spring break.

1. a man wallet! you know, like skinny wallets that men have and they just shove 'em in their pockets... women always get big-ass bulky huge wallets that you cant even fit in a pocket. so my man wallet is freakin awesome. it's leather. it smells like leather. it fits in my back pocket. it's got a tree on it. and it was $9.95.

^ man wallet

2. bright blue adidas shoes. i can't find them freakin ANYWHERE online though (much like my manwallet *scowl*) so pictures of that will be posted later...

3. cute little flats (shoes) that are apparently called 'skimmers' and yet again i cannot find pictures of them on the internets! :(

4. a handy dandy 32-oz Adidas water bottle. weeee

5. a neck pillow thing... you knoww the ones you use on ze airplanes...

yeah. *struts* i got shoes and a manwallet. i win.

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