Wednesday, January 14, 2009

pompous asshats

Dear (insert name of my city),

The 'downtown revitilization' project is a waste of time and money. How about fixing our roads instead? You know, because nobody is going to want to come to this little place if the roads are as awful as they are. I drive to Costco and there's one street that is so awful I'm always slightly worried I'll get a flat tire from driving it. There are potholes, shoddy old repairs of the road (and I mean complete crap).... I mean, I know that the streets with all the giant houses- the really wealthy streets- get fixed in a flash. They even put in road dividers with plants in them. You bunch of pompous assholes don't deserve to live in this city. You treat people who live in apartments like second-class citizens. Not everyone was born into multi-million dollar nepotism. Douchebags.

with that said, i'm going to go watch the Golden Girls. Old lady comedy from 1985 for the win!


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