Friday, February 13, 2009

80 year old grease

stingy old republicans on the verge of death with no plans to do anything with their money might as well just deep fry the benjamins and eat them with the fat people in texas. i mean the people who weigh 500+ pounds i.e. super morbidly obese.

in that vein, i'd like to state that i don't support anyone getting gastric bypass surgery. fucking lose it the old fashioned way like everybody else. eat like a sensible human being and stop blaming mcdonald's for your vast girth. you can make the choice not to eat like shit and don't tell me otherwise. i'm sorry but my tax dollars shouldn't be going toward 'patient advocacy' for an 1800 pound man to get his stomach removed so he can lose weight. i lost twenty five pounds by getting off my ass and not eating cake. show some fucking backbone.

ladron que a roba ladron (?) is a fucking hilarious movie. there's a dude in it named Primitivo.


um, for Valentine's Day I'd like to receive Bradley Cooper, Christian Bale and Bear Grylls on my doorstep to take me to Istanbul and fan me with palm fronds. And some See's Bordeaux chocolates. mmmm chocolates.

golden girls time!

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