Tuesday, February 17, 2009

enough with the loggers!

i read a story this morning about a 70 year old woman whose purse was stolen and she chased after the thief to get it; caught up with the teenage girl who stole her purse because she was an ex track star! how awesome is that? imagine what usain bolt could do if he were faced with criminals!!

What the heck is with the tv shows about loggers???? Do we really need to have that filth on tv? I don't know if I speak for everyone when I say that I dont want to watch shows where rednecks bitch and moan about how hard their environmental raping of a job is. Please take the logger shows off tv. It started with you know, semi-normal 'reality' shows on the cable networks about crap like ice road truckers and stuff like that. Now we have assholes cutting down 400 year old redwoods. What's next, a show where we watch Sarah Palin and Joe the Plummer kill wolves and endangered species from helicopters? Or how about a show where we watch Canadians kill baby seals? Because it's getting there with these goddamn logger shows.

I rest my case. And I plan on communicating how fucked up those shows are to the networks. I know we all use paper and tree-related products but jesus christ I recycle and I reuse and compost and drive a small car. I organized a protest with HSUS against the seal extermination in Canada. If I had a job or just massive amounts of random money I would probably donate most of it to various environmental/animal related charities.

Stop building frigging log cabins and maybe shows about loggers will go away. Buy bamboo products!!

<3 kate

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