Wednesday, December 30, 2009

(in gollum voice) go away!


I am officially rooting for Oregon because I don't like the fat Ohio State fans blocking my drive home walking as slow as fucking possible across the streets in clear plastic ponchos. Go buy a fucking North Face jacket and stop with the ponchos. Yes I know, shocking, we have rain in Los Angeles, contrary to your stupid ideas that we don't. I know why you're wearing ponchos anyway- so you can show off your team colors. I don't care about your team colors, just fucking walk across the street faster!!!

I know that made me sound like an asshole, but I don't care.

On a happier note, I am making the first evarrr New Years Resolution! I've never made one but I'm making one this year- I will read The Silmarillion AND the entire Rings trilogy! 8D I am a nerd, yes! Tolkien ftw!

Saw some dumb list on tvguide channel where they deemed Burt "Turd Fergusen" Reynolds and Warren Beatty sexier than Cary Grant. I'm sorry, WHAT? Burt fucking Reynolds??? He is so fugly!!! He looks like the bastard love child of a caveman and Robert Goulet, which is not good.

My list of sexy film stars would include: Cary Grant, Marlon Brando (before he ballooned into the fucking michelin man), Clarke Gable, Gene Kelly, Viggo Mortensen, Cary Elwes (before he ballooned up), Ralph Fiennes, Joseph Fiennes, Al Pacino in the 70s, Colin Firth, Alan Rickman, Christian Bale, John Cusack, Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds, Clive Owen, Patrick Dempsey, Johnny Depp, Jeremy Northam, Robert Downey Jr.... I can't think of any more. Yeah.

signing off...

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