Thursday, December 10, 2009

new kitty and no final test

Stuff has happened since I last posted. That's right, for once, I actually have exciting things to post about that like maybe one or two people will read. It's for me anyway.

After last week's debacle in cultural geography, having her tell the whole effing class (self as example) that I had an 88%- not quite an A but if I had good participation and did really well on the final, then I would get an A. I was pretty pissed off because yeah, 88% in her class is okay because her grading system is on crack or something.. but seriously? 88%???? I bust my ass and I should get an A. End of story.

On tuesday I'm sitting in class lamenting over the fact that I had to do an in class assignment and then study for the stupid final.
Weeelllllll then she announces that the people in the class who have As don't have to take the final. I'm thinking oh that is SO not fair on so many fucking levels with my 88%. So she reads off only six people have As and then she reads my name off her little list. I'm like what???? Michelle and I were both confused as fuck because she had told us we both had 88% in the class. Magic grades? I don't know but I don't have to take the final!!!!!

And last Saturday, I met a cute little cross eyed kitty at the Pasadena Humane Society. Sunday I adopted her and Tuesday I brought her home. :) Her name is Holly and she is currently napping under my blankets on the bed. She's very cuddly and purrs like mad. She won't directly jump up on the bed, she goes under it, up towards the slatted wooden headboard where there's like a five inch gap between it and the wall, and climbs up. It's hilarious. She's so weird. Tiggy's pretty upset about the whole thing, but he's upset about any change, minor or major. He's a crotchety old man cat.

Purchased and read Richard Hammond's book, On The Edge, about his jet car crash and subsequent recovery from a serious brain trauma. His wife wrote a bit of the book and I just wanted to give her a hug, hearing what she had gone through. Oy vey. Great book. Now I'm reading 'Unaccustomed Earth' by Jhumpa Lahiri. Short stories about Bengalis in Boston. Its always Boston in her stories.

Okay off to read and chill out.


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