Thursday, August 6, 2009

If I were an Op-Ed writer...

So apparently both Twitter and Facebook are down because they've been hacked into. My feelings on the matter are this:
1) can people please stop hacking into things because it just makes you a big TURD for doing so.
2) LOL @ reactions of people unable to use Twitter. Check out this msn article:
"Allison Koski, a public-relations manager in Manhattan, said she felt "completely lost" without Twitter.

"I had to Google search Twitter to find out what was going on, when normally my Twitter feed gives me all the breaking news I need," Koski said."

She feels completely lost without Twitter? Holy crap seriously? GET A FUCKING LIFE YOU TWAT. I'm actually hoping that was a misquote, because admitting to such a feeling about being able to type 140 characters about whatever mundane thing you're doing that doesn't really matter, should institutionalize a person. Don't get me wrong, I use Twitter on occasion. I read a few news bits from CNN's Anderson Cooper, and Runner's World and a couple of friends. But I'm not crying and saying I can't go on in life if I can't use Twitter!
So Twitter is down. *shrug* Go on the NPR website and read news there, or the CNN website or something else. If you feel you're out of the loop, big effing deal. You got along perfectly fine before twitter, so what's the difference now? Laziness I guess.

The point is this: stop using these websites as a crutch! Become too dependent and you're like how I am now about coffee. I didn't drink it for about 4 months and as soon as I had started drinking it again, I couldn't get it off my mind and kept convincing myself that I had to go buy a latte. Which is bullshit, because nobody NEEDS to buy a latte. Nobody NEEDS Twitter. It's not going to help you by becoming completely dependent on it.

But hell, what am I saying this for; this is the same country where 50% of marriages end in divorce, 50% of Mississippi is 50% body fat and Starbucks is the national pasttime.

I give up.

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