Tuesday, October 28, 2008

9000 year old city, whistling language and cirit racing. word.


oh my god this is too much. After two years of reading about Turkey, after learning about so many things about it, this is very amusing: watching Andrew Zimmern (Bizarre Worlds/Bizarre Foods) oil wrestling is beyond funny. Too bad it wasn't cirit racing stuff... that would have been funny as he probably would fall off the horse. How about camel fighting? I care too much. It just fucking fascinates me.

They're making bird noises. very cool. An entire language based on whistling.

I CANT WAIT TO GO TO TURKEY.. in like 2 years.

yes. that's what i have to say about that.

Also, rat poison is EVIL. whoever came up with it was a sick fuck. it could have fucking been the unibomber for the amount of crazy shit going on in how the animals die.

Anyway back to watching about Istanbul...

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