Wednesday, October 22, 2008

musical thoughts

currently listening to: Treze diferencias de Canario (album: Anthology of Spanish Music)

Honestly, classical music is pretty much the best thing at night. It allows me to have my own quiet thoughts without thinking. There's no thought process, as some more intense music requires of me. Not all classical music, obviously, but it's that way with any music. Well, other than Nine Inch Nails or Tool or something. There's way too much energy there. Either that or it's too g'damn depressing and there's no way I can have my pre-sleep relaxing time with Maynard James Keenan screaming for 30 seconds straight, or Trent Reznor singing the most hollow sad song ever (And All That Could Have Been) amazing though it may be.

Speaking of El Queso (trent reznor's code name due to my own stupidty of trying to text and walk to class), he seems like he's mellowed out a bit, which disturbs me. I mean it makes me glad that he's happy, because nobody should be depressed their whole life- believe me, I know. But still... what's next, Trent singing 'Peace Love and Understanding'?? Speaking of which, the A Perfect Circle cover of that song is seriously the most amazing shit on the planet.

On that note, here's a list, albeit random, of some of my all-time favorite songs.

1. Peace, Love and Understanding - A Perfect Circle (eMotive)
2. And All That Could Have Been - Nine Inch Nails (Still)
3. Anytime - Brian McKnight
4. I Know - Fiona Apple (When the Pawn..)
5. Change (In The House of Flies) - Deftones [White Pony]
6. Levon - Elton John (Madman Across the Water) --- LOL anyone who has ever been in my car knows I will force you to listen to this while I sing horribly and loudly. lmfao.
7. Running on Faith - Eric Clapton (Unplugged)
8. Walkin' Blues - Eric Clapton (Unplugged) -- most amazing shit ever.
9. Not About Love - Fiona Apple (Extraordinary Machine)
10. The Eagles - Howard Shore feat. Renee Fleming - The Return of the King soundtrack. --- note: Renee Fleming's voice is AMAZING on this song. It's soul penetrating perfection and for some reason it always makes me cry.
11. Learn You Inside Out - Lifehouse (Who We Are)
12. The Cool, Cool River - Paul Simon (Rhythm of the Saints)

part two of this list will be posted another time...


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