Thursday, November 6, 2008

civil/political commentary.

Obama won, huzzah!

The first presidential election I was able to vote in was an historic one. How nifty is that?

Also, huzzah that Prop 2 passed. Not so much huzzah that homophobe biggots passed Prop 8. NICE GOING, A-HOLES. YEAH. AWESOME. YOU THINK GAYS AND LESBIANS SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO HAVE A CIVIL UNION. YOU WIN AT LIFE.

My question on this is, what is just SO terrifying to you about gays and lesbians being able to marry, huh? One out of three marriages end in divorce. Britney Spears had an embarrasingly short marriage. How is marriage all so sacred between a man and a woman? Please explain that one to me. Most of the reason people get married other than being in love is for other reasons. Property rights. That's why marriage was created in the first place, and then of course the Catholic church decided to spin it around and make it a little different. So let's not forget that folks. Let's not forget that it's an issue of civil rights.

LOVE is what makes a family.

ps: am reading the Twilight saga. Is v. good. Am apparently turning into a twelve year old girl by reading books since teenyboppers are apparently obsessed with them. V. scary.

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