Thursday, November 13, 2008

Oh Christ, what now?!

1. more fucking bailouts from bush.
As if George W Retard Bush hasn't fucked this country up enough, he's proposing a "free trade" deal with Colombia. HONESTLY. It's not fucking free trade you idiot. You got the fucking definition wrong.

MR. BUSH CAN YOU PLEASE JUST STOP. SERIOUSLY JUST STOP. YOU AREN'T HELPING. You've never done anything right except for screwing everything up so awfully that Bill Maher's jokes will suffer when you are no longer president. Everything you touch turns to shit so just accept that you are completely made of fail, and go lay on a beach somewhere and leave us alone.

Your job isn't actually a video game; people's lives are important enough for you to just stop your insanity.

2. Twilight!

fuck yes! I started reading the books about two weeks ago, and though not anne rice level stuff, it is truly entertaining. Robert Pattinson stars as Edward in the movie adaptation (which comes out next week) and for some reason I find him intriguingly attractive as the character. I thought he was not great looking when he played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter, but maybe it's the skinny, pallid, blood sucking thing going on. Regardless, I'm looking forward to the movie to see how accurate it is to the book...

3. LA Marathon moved to Memorial Day.. what?
Yes that's right folks, the asshat Frank McCourt (owner of the LA Dodgers baseball team) has purchased rights to the LA Marathon and has moved the date from March to the end of May. WHAT THE HELL IS HE THINKING.
Nobody wants to run 26.2 miles with horrid smog when it's 90 degrees outside. Frank McCourt, you are right up there for my Asshat of the Day Award, right along side George W Bush. I hope you get no money and no one runs the race. Asshole.

Yesssss Kate loves vampires. Perhaps if I were a vampire I could scare Frank McCourt to move the date for the marathon.


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