Friday, October 2, 2009

ah, running how i love thee

I went for a run on Wednesday- a two miler at a 10 minute pace. Certainly not what I'd hoped for, but considering I haven't actually run for probably around four months, I'm feeling okay about it. It's a start. My legs hurt something awful right now, even two days later. It's funny because I wouldn't expect anything to hurt considering I excercise 45min-2.5hrs 6 days a week. But that run just... wow. Yesterday I could hardly walk down my stairs. And if you've ever been to my house, you know I have a LOT of stairs. Not so fun. My heart rate and tempo and everything seemed pretty effortless at the time. Treadmills make me nervous so it's not quite as good as running outdoors. I'm always worried there will be a malfunction and I'm going to fall over/fly off and hit the wall/die etc. when I'm on the treadmill. It's like how some people have a fear of heights, or flying in planes- I have a serious fear of the treadmill and all of the electronic malfunctions it could have that would put me in harm's way. Especially considering I am not the most surefooted person.

Treadmills are not for the uncoordinated. I trip on flat surfaces, and when I walk, I generally look at the ground part of the time because I will trip and fall over if I don't.

Speaking of running, Edward Norton is a runner and is running the NY marathon with some Maasai dudes next month. He's raising money for a project. Check out the project and videos related to it here.

Dried mango is awesome.

I have freckles all over my shoulders from my recent vitamin D reading fests (i.e. sitting out in the sun slathered in copious amounts of sunscreen, while reading) on my balcony. Oh and for anyone wondering how my tattoos stay so fresh and new looking, even with sun exposure: I put extra sunscreen on them and wear some sort of fabric wrapped around them. If you don't have terrycloth/cotton wristbands, a sock or a hankie works pretty well.

that's all for now... au revoir.

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