Wednesday, November 11, 2009


GCC doesn't observe holidays apparently. Even at PCC we got like two random days off. Blehhhhhh.

And now a word about a topic that was brought up in my geography class: ottoman (not turkish) attrocities, and the current reaction.

My problem with all of it? You have to move on. It isn't good to hold on to such anger and pain for more than a few days, but let alone passing that anger to your children and grandchildren until almost 100 years goes by and you STILL consider that you're in a crisis. Wrong. You aren't. I understand that shit realllllly sucks sometimes. I could go hating so many for personal injustice I've suffered, but... I forgive people. It's hard, but I figure that I don't need all that bad energy around my heart.

So yes, I GET that the Ottoman empire was fucked up and killed a whole lot of people. I think it's disgusting, and I think that the new Turkish government should acknowledge it. But I don't think they know how to, with everyone breathing down their necks. People don't want to do things when you force them to. They have to think its their idea. And no its not an excuse for them, I agree. But god... holding on to all of it for this long on both sides is stupid. Especially the people who feel that an apology is due. You have to stop saying you're still in a diaspora. NO you aren't. A lot of you are fucking crazy wealthy and you're second generation americans who drive Audis. Um, sorry, but living in Glendale and driving a $60 thousand dollar car completely exempts you from that. I encourage you to find peace within your heart because really, even if someone admits to their wrongdoing, you have to be the one to forgive. And let go.

It isn't good for your heart, for your soul... to hold onto such anger for so long. And then instilling it in your children? The real way to go would be to be the bigger man and put your head up high and just move on. Don't even mention it. Because then it shows that you're strong, because you are. You lived through it and moved forward, just not emotionally.

I still haven't heard an apology to the Native peoples of North & South America for the three hundred some years of slaughter that the Europeans inflicted on them. I'm pissed that the American government ignores what they did to my relatives, the Cherokee back in the day, however distantly related I am. But you know... you can't hold onto the anger. Show that you're strong instead.

This wasn't super coherent, and I apologize for that. I feel like crap so yeah. Off to get ready for school..


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