Thursday, November 19, 2009

note to the douchebags of the world

I'm upset with the laziness of people not fighting to make the financial monsters of the world change. I don't know what else more I can do except tell people to cut up their credit cards. People are too goddamn passive though, even with their words. They just say "oh well" and don't even discuss it. No, we HAVE to have that discussion now. The President must have that conversation, and CEOs of these fucking banks and mega conglomerate douches do not need, nor can they ever use, the amount of money that they receive. Shame on all of you. At least Warren Buffett does a lot of good with his money and he isn't holding on to it like he's going to live longer somehow if he has it. GET OVER IT, WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE. This life is suffering anyway. Having nice things is great, but Jesus effing Christ, you do not need $3 billion dollars a year.

Note to athletes, CEOs, etc: Money cannot buy you a soul, which you fuckers have inevitably lost somewhere along the path of your great destruction of the lives of the average citizen by being so disgustingly greedy.

Off to enjoy my evening...


1 comment:

xxjeannexx said...

cutting up my Citibank card this week was so liberating.