Saturday, November 21, 2009

screw bella and jacob, i liked the Porsche.

ahahaha because I'm a complete and total loser, I went to see New Moon this morning with a friend, and my mother (who has also read the books and hearts them). Okay, the director and screenwriter had like a bazillion pages of bitching and crying and obsession and somehow the movie turned out pretty well. Like, as far as the directing and special effects, it was cool. The special effects were neato, and the music was entertaining. My favorite parts were: the bit with the Thom Yorke song "Hearing Damage" playing loudly, and the bit with the Porsche 911 Turbo. Go figure. My favorite part would predictably be the bit with a nice car. It sounds totally lame, but I was so excited when they had the 911 driving around curves in Italy. I really envy the stunt driver of the scene because omg..... it's a fucking 911 Turbo. I mean, really, do I need to say more? I started grinning like an idiot. The whole movie could have been a stuntman driving the car through pretty flowering hills and golden fields and I would have walked out of the theatre feeling like my time had not been wasted.

I. am. SUCH. a petrolhead!!!

The sound of the engine revving gave me chills. That is how much I love cars. I LOVE LOVE LOVE cars. I love watching, complaining, blogging, drooling, wanting... I love them.

But the movie was cool. The guy who plays Jacob can be pretty funny, in a dry sort of way. Plus from what someone told me, he and I share a birthday (hes only around 18), which is cool. Aquariuses(?) unite!! Christian Bale is an Aquarius, so yeah.

off to check on my vegetables that happen to be roasting.... au revoir.


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