Friday, December 26, 2008

it's a right kerfuffle!

Thank you cards to be sent out, gift cards to be used... ah, the bountiful array of gifts I receieved for Christmas makes me happy. Don't get me wrong, I love buying gifts a whole lot, it's not just about my getting things. I think the most exciting thing about opening a gift is not knowing what it is; wondering whether someone got you something atrocious or really fantastic.

With that said, here is the once-a-year gifts received list:

gift cards:
2 Jamba Juice
Sport Chalet
Barnes & Noble

purple skirt + purple bird print blouse (Gap)
running capris!
running socks!! i love socks
running shirt!
huzzah for clothes!

frame with print of favorite alma-tadema print
(Borders- return book already have = money for other books!! yay!)
Little Britain Live dvd
see's chocolates

All in all, a very good pile of fun things. Food related gift cards are always fun. Kind of wishing had a Coffee Bean card, as do not want to drive to peets- would much rather drive 2/3 mile to the Bean and buy latte there (despite always having name written on cup as keith. name is not keith. am not a man!) hmm....

Watched my Little Britain Live dvd-- oh, how i love that show. if only they had Are You Being Served? in normal episode sets, not whatever bbc decides are funny episodes to put on a dvd... ;(

getting cold sitting here with blanket and no pants soooo that is all for today. time to put on pants and get on with my day.

ps: the title is in reference to lou & andy.

1 comment:

guruburu said...

yummm.. you just made crave jamba juice =D