Saturday, December 20, 2008

kate wants a 911 turbo cabriolet

It's been unusually cold for LA, even for the fact that it's basically winter. Bah..

Last night I was in Ventura and it was like, below 40, and I was really glad I had my Columbia puffy coat. Reeeally glad. I wore it in the car on my long lonely drive back to Pasadena, with a long sleeved shirt and the heater on my feet. Wanted to wear gloves because my hands are always cold, but could only find one glove so I looked like an insanely stupid person.

My cold tolerance has apparently disappeared since last year's stint in Boston. I was awesome. I got to the point where I was walking around the city when it was 35 wearing jeans and a tshirt with my running shoes. Oh well. I guess cold tolerance goes away when you have to live through 105+ weather.

Also, I reeeeeeealllllly want this car. Nevermind that its around $150,000. We'll just forget that bit. We'll forget that any of the 911 series are mostly more than $90,000.


480 hp
0-60mph in 3.8 seconds
top speed: 193 mph. *giggle*

ohhh porsche how i love thee...


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