Wednesday, December 31, 2008

au revoir 2008...

I expect a recap of sorts is in order... so here's a recap of 2008..

January... I was at home for two weeks before going back to Boston in early-mid Jan, then I spent most of the time in Boston feeling alone and sorry for myself because my living situation was crap. February was interesting. Lots of doing things I would never have thought I would do- going out for drinks way too much. In fact, I think I drank more alcohol in February than other times combined- the effects of turning 21. But I also went to New York for my birthday and bought the infamous silver Manolo Blahniks, ate a fantastic cupcake at Magnolia Bakery, and traipsed across the Brooklyn bridge in the rain. I spent more of my own money in one week of February than maybe the rest of the year combined. (manolos, a dress on sale at Anthropologie, dinner in NY, a cupcake, bus boston>NY roundtrip...)
March saw me coming home for Spring Break, and I went to Monterey for a few days. I also turned my life around in late March, health-wise and began my crazy 31 days in a row gym routine. April was the month I returned home to California for good. I also watched the Boston marathon at a block from the finish and had an epiphany that I wanted to be a marathoner. I went to a wedding in Topanga Cyn that weekend at the end of April that it was 105 degrees...
May was mildly interesting. Went on a memorial day weekend adventure with my mother in santa barbara/ventura and it rained nearly the entire time. Started my job back at Peet's. June is when I started my crazy summer class + work routine: work 4:30-9:30 am, class 10:30a-1:pm, lunch, homework, gym, dinner, bed... five days a freaking week.
July... I can't really remember much of July because I was in school doing the crazy routine. But I did start running in July. Which is a stupid time to start running. Got my first realllly nice running shoes. August was nuts. Radiohead concert at the end of the month, working, painting, running... But fucking Radiohead was amaaaazing.
September! I started classes again in September. This is also when my strange vertigo started and never went away. I hung out with friends and all sorts of shite like that. October had really hot weather which sucked. Lots of fires and bad air quality. More school, more homework and hanging out with friends. My parents were out of town and I had the house to myself (which is reeeeally rare as they never go anywhere on vacation ever) so laziness and all that ensued.
November! More running, increasing my mileage and time. Thanksgiving with lots of people over including one who didn't know how the hell to censor himself (Ryan knows who Im talking about lol). Rain!!!
December has been interesting. Busy as all hell. Christmas shopping, a trip to the Getty, GhostHunters marathons on SciFi (lol), a very fun time watching a boat parade though it was extremely cold outside, and Christmas.

I hope 2009 will be a happier year. Also, a more financially stable one. Bush will be gone, and who knows if Obama will be decent or if he's just like every other dirty politician. I'll be going back to Art Center in the fall, which means somehow 16 months after I start the final leg of the journey I might finally be done with college. Will I be single? Probably. But I'm okay with that, because I like my time and independence. My first marathon is in a few months and I'm terrified.

and with that said, I now bid 2008 goodbye.


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