Saturday, December 15, 2007


music: bob dylan - isis (album: desire)

huzzah for massages! my back doesn't hurt right now, which is very rare, since it pretty much always has ever since I was 12. weeeee. so if you're in the boston area you should go see my friend Evan for a massage. word homies.

chillin out listening to some dylan before i finish packing and getting some pizza. and cash. i need cash for the cab to the airport since the shuttle service mi madre told me about doesn't work out for me time wise.

<3 knitting

i will be home in less than 24 hours, and on my way back to ca in about 12.5 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


things to do on the plane:
-watch eric clapton unplugged dvd
-browse sky mall catalog
-try to sleep in vain since i can't sleep unless i'm laying down in absolute silence.
-knitting and rocking out to bob dylan.
-wish i had the internets. INTERNETSSSS. with an s. cause i'm gangsta like weebl & bob.
-did i mention knitting? lol.

<3 kate.

ps: check out this website:


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