Monday, December 31, 2007

au revoir 2007

post # 30 on this silly little blog that I started back in september, and it is the last post of 2007. au revoir 2007.

2007 was an interesting year.

It started off rather awkwardly in January with my decision to leave Art Center and pursue my learnings elsewhere. In February I started a new job at Peet's, and met some people that I hope I will continue to be friends with for a very long time (Julia, Carley, Paul D, Laurie...). In March I applied to two schools and in April I found out I got into both of them. May, June, and July were a blur and in August I moved to Boston. I went to New York in October and November, experienced my first snow in December and visited my sister in Georgia as well. Now I'm back home in California seeing as much of my friends and family as possible, and enjoying the fabulous weather we have here.

My year was a blur and it was interesting. I'm sitting here now taking a break from reading and eating a blood orange, thinking about knitting.... And on that note, bring on 2008!

Happy New Year to all.


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