Sunday, September 6, 2009

cloudy with a chance of... Iron Chef?

listening to: Nine Inch Nails- Echoplex [The Slip]

Dad is using one of those carpet cleaners to clean, well obviously, the carpets. It's loud and he's been doing it for at least four hours. Crazy. Somehow despite how loud it is, I took a nap. And people, I have major sleeping issues. I've been on sleeping meds for a year and a half for Christ's sake. I haven't actually napped in at least two years, and today, I napped, noise and all! So proud of self. Had to blog about it so that in a year or so, I can pull up this retarded piece of crap and read it, then go "wow, why did I write about this publically?"

Wish I was going to see NIN.... poo. Wish I worked for Trent Reznor. That would be kind of awesome. Actually, I could do an anthropological study and artwork at the same time. Hmm. My interests need to stay at bay, since I have far too many. With my lack of social life, lack of social awareness, my musings get the better of me. My imagination needs to chill for a while.

I tell people I'm planning on going to Berkeley, and their first comment/question relates to "yeah but you haven't gotten in yet have you?" Fuck you, I will. I have to go to an Ivy or comparable. I'll never get into grad school or get grants or fellowships or a job to pay off my massive debt if I don't go. Failing just is not an option, physically, mentally, or emotionally. It just isn't an option for me. $100,000 isn't just going to fall out of the fucking sky.

Speaking of things falling from the sky, I really want to see that new kids' film "Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs." The book that the movie is based on was one of my favorites as a child. The idea of soup raining from the sky into restaurants without ceilings is just way too exciting for my imagination to pass up. In the book, there was no scientist who created some machine that turned meteorology into the goddamn Food Network WORLD though. If I was going to have food raining from the heavens, I would hope it would be prepared by Morimoto or Bobby Flay.

okay I'm going now..

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